We have upgraded our client from Java 6 to Java 11. This shift has improving the speed of crucial IT components of their infrastructure by 10 times.
As per our competitive analysis of existing cloud service providers we have deduced that migrating to MS Azure would be the right move. We’ve managed the shift and helped the client switch from an on-premise data center to the cloud without disrupting their workflows.
We’ve relied on Elastic to improve the overall health of the client’s systems. This choice has introduced a variety of options for ongoing data analysis and advanced search mechanisms.
We have developed two web-portals for the client’s users from scratch. This search has increased the client’s productivity as well as the public’s satisfaction with the services of the Norwegian State Civil Administration.
We have moved the client’s customer support from email 9which lacked in flexibility and transparency) to a Jira Service Desk system.
We’ve worked in close cooperation with customer’s legal team in order to ensure complete compliance with GDPR regulations.
We at Catware champion in-depth experience working with one of Europe's biggest IT talent pools — the Ukrainian market has over 200 000 IT specialists. Let's discuss how we can help you.