Main rules for demonstrating the business value of IT

Petro Krasnomovets
18th August |

The time of digital transformation affects all economic sectors — from large to insignificant. Therefore, the implementation of IT solutions becomes something ordinary and even necessary. Information technology is used by the business directly or indirectly. In any case, IT opens up a whole stream of new opportunities for business development.

However, for information technologies to be in demand and bring maximum benefits to the business, they must be presented correctly. A potential user should understand how an IT solution can improve his business.

Properly constructed dialogue between the business and IT solutions

In the search for IT solutions for business, many people wonder what information technologies exist and in what cases they are used. Therefore, the search for optimal options should begin with analytics. You also need to form a list of requirements for an IT solution for a specific type of business.

Those who provide IT services should take this point into account. It is necessary to study the needs of potential users and focus on what issues your development can solve. Regardless of which category the IT service belongs to, users want to get a product with the following qualities:

  • Mobility. Information solutions are available for different types of devices. It is very convenient and practical. Everyone wants to see products or services that are available both on a smartphone and in a stationary version, and at the same time can synchronize.
  • Flexibility. Solutions that can transform and customize to the needs of the user are the best that can be in an ever-changing world. Now more than ever, it is very important to be able to dramatically change the direction of development and not dwell on one or two ideas or solutions.
  • Productivity. Users of IT solutions require tools that can improve business efficiency. And this requires not only high-quality developments but also a professional team of IT specialists.

The better IT solutions respond to all the requests of potential consumers, the higher the degree of interest in such products. Therefore, to demonstrate the values of such technologies, in the first stage, it is worth studying the needs of the target audience.

The originality of solutions and profit from their use

When demonstrating IT developments, it is significant to pay a lot of attention to how original your proposed developments are. It is worth focusing on those points that will allow you to explain one thing to the user. You’re offering a new product, and it’s different from the competition. Business speaks the language of facts and figures, so when demonstrating IT solutions, Gartner recommends having a large and comprehensive evidence base. 

To solve this problem, it is also necessary to have an idea of the needs of the target audience. Sometimes it is very diverse, so it is necessary to present services in separate niches — each for its category of users. This will only fuel interest in products and increase confidence in them in advance.

Clear and interesting presentation

Selling a complex and multifunctional IT solution is never easy. A potential customer when studying a product may have questions: what is it, why is it required, why is this product so expensive? A well-written demonstration of the capabilities and value of the technology will help answer these questions. Therefore, it is extremely important to speak to the client in his language – in an understandable, simple, and convincing language.

To present a complex solution and demonstrate the benefits of its application, you need to pay attention to content marketing. Interesting and reasonable content created by experts in simple language will help to better understand the essence of IT services and the benefits of their application for a particular business.

Creating a presentation for an IT product

For any project in business, it is significant to have a document that will answer the specific questions of the consumer. Presentation for technological developments carries answers, to what benefits can be obtained from their use, why they should be implemented, and what costs will be borne by the customer. There should be an analysis of the possibilities and the options that the application of the IT solution in practice will give in the future.

An interested customer can thus better study the product and understand how it meets the goals of his business. He will also be able to correlate in advance the costs of implementing the project and the economic effect of its application. All this will increase interest in the product and give an understanding that IT solutions significantly increase competitive advantages.

Managing an IT solution as a business

The user should get an idea that IT development is an integral part of the business. The digital solution that is being implemented is a strategic business unit. It is with its help that you can achieve business development in the short and long term. Therefore, IT should be considered as a business service to which you can apply different models of insourcing and outsourcing, analysis of the economic effect, financial analysis, and planning. All this the consumer should understand immediately from the moment of the presentation of the IT product.

It is also worth remembering that the very first case that customers of IT companies evaluate is their website. Therefore, to demonstrate the benefits that technological solutions will bring, it is essential to start with a website.